Lisa Attanasio
Psychic Medium

Lisa Attanasio MSW, SNU Accredited Spiritual Healer, SH1 and SH2 Certified

Evidential Medium, Psychic, Animal Communicator, SNU Accredited Spiritual Healer, Licensed Social Worker

I am Lisa Raine and I am an Evidential Medium and Psychic.  I have been conducting readings in-person, over Zoom, and over the phone for many years. This is possible because Spirit is everywhere. Acting as a vessel, Spirit communicates through me. There is a mantra which helps us understand this: "From the Divine, through Spirit, to Spirit".  Having two adorable Toy Poodles, I also love pet communication. Working with the SNU, I am an accredited Spiritual Healing Medium. I believe that a session should be an uplifting and healing experience, and this is only possible because of the eternal love of the Divine and Spirit World. Together we can raise our vibration, life the veil, and bridge two worlds.

  • Evidential Medium Readings
  • Psychic Readings
  • Pet Communication
  • Spiritual Healing
  • Spiritual Assessment